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Earth Allies Restoration Network

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Mission: Spread restoration agricultural methods throughout the world by equipping grassroots organizations and individual farmers alike with the knowledge, funding, and organizational capacity to practice and share restoration agricultural methods in their own communities. By working with partners to transition communities from conventional farming methods to regenerative practices, we strive to transform farmlands into a more natural state, ensuring an abundance of diverse food sources while simultaneously restoring the natural ecosystem.


We need food to survive, and food production is one of the most damaging industries to our planet. Industrial agriculture significantly reduces biological diversity and spreads toxic chemicals. Degraded land from industrial agriculture causes deforestation of forests and emits 24% of global greenhouse gases.


Earth Allies Restoration Network (EARN) is working to initiate a rapid transition of 25% of all industrial agriculture to “Restoration Agroforestry.” This will:

  • create a sustainable food system

  • restore damaged land and biological diversity

  • reduce greenhouse gas emissions and draw carbon from the atmosphere


Together, smallholder farmers, skilled trainers, and over 70 local nonprofits are building Restoration Agroforestry systems. With roots in indigenous practices and ecosystem design, these sustainable and multi-strata systems create a resilient and abundant harvest amidst increasing temperatures and drought.


Environments have experienced the return of birds, butterflies, and key pollinators because of Restoration Agroforestry efforts. Families have food, watersheds are replenished and sustained, and carbon is stored deep in the soil. Project Drawdown identifies Restoration Agroforestry as a natural solution to the climate crisis.


Join us in our growing global movement as we work to heal a planet in crisis. Donate to support the training of committed farmers and the construction of more training and implementation centers around the world.

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